Drums in the church!?
I am such a liberal. :)
I just finished leading song service for the Friday night program (vespers). It was an awesome experience. There's nothing quite like leading others to sing praises to the God of the universe.
It was the first time I led song service with drums and a bass guitar. It was so much fun. We were actually a real contemporary band.
Next school year, I hope to have drums and a bass guitar at every vespers. I think these instruments really speak the music culture of most college students. I feel that most of my peers listen to music that has both drums and a bass guitar. The foundation of the contemporary music sound is drums and bass.
I have one problem, though. The drummer and bass player that are really good have prior commitments at the same time as vespers. Vespers starts at 8:00pm, but they have another church program that they are involved with at 8:00pm, too. So, I'm hoping to convince my fellow leaders to change the vespers time to 7:30pm. Vespers begins with song service and lasts about 15-20 minutes. The drummer and bass player could play for song service and then leave before 8:00pm.
Will it be worth it to accommodate both musicians by changing the vespers time? I think so. First, the contemporary sound will speak to the audience. It's important to contextualize (1 Cor. 9:22-23) the Christian message. Also, the musicians and singers that want to help out with song service will have a great experience playing in a "real" band. I see the drummer and bass player as the studio musicians, and my job is to plug in different singers, pianists, guitarists, and other musicians to help out with song service. Imagine if you were a singer. Wouldn't it be neat to practice and perform with a live band?
Hey Dee. I just got around to reading your blog. Scott has a link to it in his. Well, I somewhat agree with what you say about contextualizing the message. We want it to be in a form that others understand, but we risk the chance of losing the identity of the gospel as timeless and able to always be relevant. Hope you understand what I'm saying. I'm having a difficult time explaining. Anyway, good luck in your endeavors to make your vision a reality. Let me know if I can help.
It's difficult to keep the balance between contextualizing the gospel to the current culture yet keeping the essentials of the gospel and not "watering it down."
We must do both. And through prayer, counsel from other godly believers, and study of the word, we can do both things.
thanks for commenting.
Good for you!!!! Certain instruments/music styles have been viewed as taboo for decades in the Adventist church. I say it's time to let it go! Live your life for an Audience of One. Worship and Reverence are about the heart. There are many people who sit still as statues in church and only listen to classical, traditional music who's hearts are FAR from God. (I know this, because I was a pharisee of that same cloth) There are those who play loud, rowdy praise music who's hearts are far from God. My point? Nobody should judge. If you and all those college students get a blessing from music with bass and drums- go for it and don't ever apologize.
Blessings to You!
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